Monday, September 30, 2019

Provide Support for Mobility

Provide support for mobility (HSC 2002) Outcome 1 Understand the importance of mobility 1. define mobility Mobility is defined as, * being able to move or be moved freely and easily * the ability to move physically * The ability to move a part of the body 2. explain how different health conditions may affect and be affected by mobility No matter an individuals age, level of disability or infirmity it is important that everyone maintains some level of exercise. There are a vast range of disabilities and conditions which can result in mobility difficulties.Some of the most common on-going or permanent conditions result from muscular and skeletal disabilities and from on-going medical conditions which affect mobility. Some examples of disabilities and conditions which can have an impact on mobility are: Back and neck problems, accidents or injury leading to long term disability, arthritis and any other condition affecting the joints, dementia, amputation, fibromyalgia, multiple sclerosi s, partial or total paralysis, cerebral palsy and head injury.Other conditions such as respiratory and cardiac diseases, epilepsy, diabetes, cancer and AIDS can all have an impact on co-ordination, dexterity, strength, speed and stamina. There are a vast range of health conditions which can be improved by mobility, here are a few. After an individual has suffered a stroke areas of their body will be weak and it is important that a physiotherapist devises a programme of exercise to strengthen the weak areas in order to regain the mobility.After joint surgery such as hip replacement exercise is key to making a full recovery and mobility of the joint. For individuals who are asthmatic or with chest problems, exercise can expand airways to make breathing easier. 3. outline the effects that reduced mobility may have on an individual’s well-being Both mobility and physical difficulties, and regular or constant pain can impact on an individual’s overall sense of wellbeing. So me people may be affected at times by low-self esteem and self confidence, and motivational difficulties.Keeping mobile is extremely important for health and for giving an individual increased self esteem and a sense of well being. It is vital as we get older to maintain our mobility, to help us remain active as an elderly person and avoid having to sit in a chair all day. Being mobile enables individuals to remain independent. Being able to go when and where they want when they want without having to rely on others for assistance can make a major difference to individuals lives. 4. describe the benefits of maintaining and improving mobility.It is important to maintain and improve mobility and this can be done through exercise. The benefits of exercise for any individual regardless of the level of their disability are both physical and an emotional improvement in their condition. Physically exercise increases heart and lung activity which improves and strengthens the cardiovascular system, which controls breathing and blood circulation. Physical exercise also increases the use of muscles which improves the muscles strength and tone. It also improves sleep and burns calories to keep our weight balanced.Frequent and regular physical exercise boosts the immune system, and helps prevent the â€Å"diseases of affluence† such as heart disease, cardiovascular disease, Type 2 diabetes and obesity. It also improves mental health, helps prevent depression and helps to promote or maintain positive self esteem. By maintaining and improving an individual’s mobility it will increase their independence and freedom to choose actions and destinations. Outcome 2 Be able to prepare for mobility activities The learner can: 1. gree mobility activities with the individual and others Exercise can be both formal and informal. It could also take place as a group or as an individual. Exercise as a formal programme will be assessed by a physiotherapist and will help to inc rease mobility, improve strength stamina or suppleness. An exercise programme has usually been devised by a specialist in order to meet a specific outcome, so it is important to encourage the individual to follow the programme by explaining it’s importance and getting them to agree with it.You need to carry out an exercise programme exactly as specified in the care plan and record and report the outcomes and any problems at each step. Others involved in an individual’s mobility activities could include an occupational therapist, physiotherapist, G. P. or community nurse. If the mobility activities are less formal and the outcome required is to maintain the individual’s mobility on a daily basis this can be done through active support and encouragement. You should encourage the individual to do things for themselves and participate in activity and exercise where possible.An example would be to encourage their participation in household activities You should ident ify and agree with the individual the best way for them to maintain their mobility and any preferences to the form of exercise they prefer. It is important to ensure the individual agrees as it is important they are willing to participate in order for the programme to work. 2. remove or minimise hazards in the environment before beginning a mobility activity It is important to carry out a risk assessment of the environment prior to beginning a mobility activity.This is to ensure the health and safety of the individual and yourself and prevent any accidents or injuries from occurring. You need to carry out a risk assessment in relation to both the activity and the individual. This will include * The floor surface is safe and free of trip hazards * The support the individual needs in the area of equipment and number of carers * Ensure any walking aids to be used are being used properly and have been measured correctly for size of the individualIf the individual is wheelchair bound or bed bound * Ensure the chair/bed is stable and the brakes are on 3. check the suitability of an individual’s clothing and footwear for safety and mobility The individual should be wearing comfortable, easy wear clothing items to allow for mobility and unrestricted movement. Shoes should be comfortable and firm and offer good support and with non slip soles. The correct type of clothing is also important to preserve an individual’s dignity if they are bending and stretching. . check the safety and cleanliness of mobility equipment and appliances. Any equipment used should be checked to ensure it is safe and clean before use. Any walking aids should be measured correctly and be the correct size for the individual. Usually any equipment to be used will be recommended by a professional such as a physiotherapist or occupational therapist, who will ensure the individual can used the aid correctly and safely. Walking sticks – for an individual needing some support, mai nly to give confidenceTo ensure a walking stick is the correct height for the individual you need to ask them to hold the stick in the hand opposite their â€Å"bad† side if there is one otherwise in their dominant hand eg right or left handed. Their hand should be level with the top of their thigh when resting on the stick, elbow slightly bent, shoulders level. Ensure the ferrule (suction foot) is not worn to avoid the stick slipping when leant on. Quadrupeds and tripods – for individuals who have difficulty walking on one particular leg Quadrupeds are for individuals with very poor mobility in one leg such as hip r knee degeneration or stroke. To ensure this is the correct size use the same method as described for the walking stick and again check the ferrules are not worn. Walking frames – for individuals needing considerable support Again use the same method to measure if they are the correct size as with the walking stick and again check the ferrules are no t worn. Wheelchair All wheelchairs should be fitted with the appropriate cushions to minimise the risk of developing pressure area problems Outcome 3 Be able to support individuals to keep mobile 1. romote the active participation of the individual during a mobility activity Active participation is a way of working that recognises an individual’s right to participate in the activities of everyday life as independently as possible; the individual is regarded as an active partner in their own care or support, rather than a passive recipient. It is important to encourage active participation of the individual during a mobility exercise through encouragement and support. You should encourage them to stretch just a little more or try one more repetition, providing it is following the set plan of care.Instead of clearing away their crockery after a meal, encourage them to assist you where possible. Don’t use a wheelchair to move an individual around just because it is quicke r. It is important to give an individual the time to do things at their pace rather than at yours. Sometimes a specific piece of equipment may be able to be used to assist the individual to participate in the move. For example – an individual may be able to transfer themselves from a wheelchair to a chair either by the use of a transfer board or simply by sing their upper body strength to slide across, once you have removed the wheelchair arm for them. This encourages the individual to exercise their upper body muscles and actively participate in the move, rather than you using a hoist to transfer them. 2. give feedback and encouragement to the individual during mobility activities. It is important to encourage and support an individual during mobility activities. This will increase their confidence and affect how well the individual carries out the activity.It is also important to ensure that the exercise is not too difficult or painful for the individual as this will make t hem reluctant to participate. Always report this if the individual is suffering pain or discomfort during the activity. Discuss any reluctance they may have to participate with them especially if the plan of care advises they are capable of the activity. It may be a lack of confidence or fear of falling which is stopping them from participating. Gentle encouragement, support and discussion will encourage the individual to be more willing to attempt the activity.Never be tempted to change the exercise activity which a physiotherapist has recommended, because an individual finds it easier as this could cause further mobility problems or pain. You can give an individual feedback on their improved mobility. Remind them of how much they have improved since starting the mobility activities, for example, â€Å"When you started these moves Mrs B you could only do five repetitions now you can do fifteen and twice as quickly†. Outcome 4 Be able to observe, record and report on activiti es to support MobilityThe learner can: 1. observe an individual to monitor changes and responses during a mobility activity As a carer you are in a good position to be able to monitor changes and responses to an individual’s mobility activity. These observations are vital when planning the care an individual needs. If you observe the individual having difficulties or improvements in their mobility, if the individual complains of pain or suffers the loss of confidence in a particular technique, it is important to report and record this.Who you report these changes to, will depend on the plan of care but it could be your senior or manager, the GP, community nurse, occupational therapist or physiotherapist. For example As a carer it may be your role to encourage and monitor how many times an individual is able to squeeze a rubber ball, to strengthen their hand and arm muscles after a stroke. By counting and reporting on the number of repetitions carried out you will enable the p hysiotherapist to see any improvements in the individual’s mobility. 2. record observations of mobility activityRecording an individual’s progress on a mobility activity is important. You need to carry out an exercise programme exactly as specified in the care plan and record and report the outcomes and any problems at each step. This is necessary as the physiotherapist will need to review what progress the individual is making, so that the exercise programme can be adjusted as and when needed. You will need to note how often the individual carried out the exercises and if you noticed any improvement to their flexibility or strength, alertness, general level of fitness and mobility.This should be recorded in the care plan notes. 3. report on progress and/or problems relating to the mobility activity including: * choice of activities If an individual enjoys a particular form or type of mobility activity, this should be recorded so that other are aware. It should also be reported to the person in charge of their mobility activity plan eg Physiotherapist. They will then be able to write an exercise plan to suit the individual based on the type of activities they enjoy.There are numerous mobility activities which individuals could take part in, some as a group activity and some as individuals, formal and informal. It is important that an individual agrees with the activity and also cooperates in it otherwise the activity will not take place or benefit them. * Equipment * Appliances These are items which assist an individual to become or continue to be mobile, by providing support. This includes walking sticks, crutches, quadrupeds and walking frames, transfer boards, wheelchairs, mobility scooters etc.It is important to monitor and regularly check how an individual is progressing when using any type of mobility appliance or equipment. As their mobility changes so might the aid they need for support change. If an individual has been using mobility equ ipment or appliance for support, whilst recovering from an injury or illness, it is important to encourage them to manage without it, before they become too dependent on it. If you feel an individual is not managing to use an appliance or piece of equipment correctly or safely, you should report this immediately the support provided. It is important to immediately report on any problems regarding the mobility support provided to an individual. This could be that you feel the support is inadequate or even excessive. For example the plan of care advises two carers assist the individual to move with the aid of a hoist, where you feel one carer would be sufficient as the individual is able and willing to use a transfer board, because their mobility had improved. You should always report accurately any observations you make regarding an individual’s support needs.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Cultural Consideration.Education and support programs Essay

Psychology refers to an academic and applied discipline involving the scientific study of behaviors and mental functions (Colman 2010). The immediate goal of understanding an individual or group’s psychology is to enable the counselor establish general principles to be applied while researching specific cases. When carrying out research, psychologists explore concepts such as cognition, perception, motivation, brain functioning, interpersonal relationships such as psychological resilience and family resilience. Psychological knowledge is important on matters of individual assessment and treatment of mental health problems. Research shows that many people develop mental problems due to life challenges they have ever experienced. This report encompasses a group of children from a foreign country (Nigeria) living in my area of jurisdiction as refugees with foster families. They are aged between 9-13 years. From their previous refugee camp, they led a life of challenges and violence despite their young age. Some of the challenges they have undergone include poor living conditions, faced with rampant diseases, food scarcity, sleeping in rudimentary shelters. They were also exposed to brutal violence where they saw their family members being murdered, experienced sexual assaults and saw their houses being burnt where some were injured in the attacks of their villages. This paper explores psychological effects as a result of violence and the prevention measures used to foster resilience. Psychological effects of violence                  The diverse sequelae related to violence have been well documented. According to Hann (1993), exposure to violence, either directly experienced or witnessed leads to children’s self-reports of distress. Research shows that when a child is exposed to violence, the following symptoms are observed; loneliness, loss of desire for amusement, sadness, inattention, daydreaming, nightmares, disrupted sleep, intrusive, disturbing and imagery, easy perturbation, fear of death, and separation anxiety. In most cases, boys are known to cope with psychological effects caused by violence exposure compared to girls of the same age. Children try to cope with loss and fears associated with violence by pretending not to care about anything, restricting their activities, anxious attachment to their mothers, imitative aggressive play and counter-phobic displays of bravado (Osofsky 1993). Research shows that, effects of violence may also spill into relationships with fr iends and peers inform of aggressive behavior and emotional withdrawal, of which they may both result to an ultimate rejection by the peers (Turner & Beidel 1995). Intervention program                  An intervention refers to a deliberate process by which a strategy of implementing change into a person’s thoughts, behaviors and feelings is introduced (Cook 2009). The overall intervention’s objective is to confront a person in a friendly way allowing them to understand their destructive behavior or actions and how it may affect themselves, friends and family. The immediate aim/goal of the intervention program is to make the person suffering listen and accept to be helped. On the other hand, programs consist of a number of coordinated interventions that are made available for a given period (Swanson 2011). Education and support programs                  The above mentioned children from Nigeria have faced many challenges affecting their normal way of living. This intervention program is meant to foster resilience or help the Nigerian children recover from their past experiences. As a mental health worker, I have to implement a strategy that enhances favorable and friendly environment for the survival of these children. Provision of material assistance such as clothes, books, food, proper housing and other basic needs becomes the first priority. Either at individual, family or community level, they need education together with guidance and counseling with the aim of trying to make them forget their past experiences. Having witnessed their parents being killed, their houses being burnt and others getting injured, this may affect their cognitive development and later bring complications to their future lives. Another prevention strategy is ensuring that they interact with others through games, education and other social activities. Such interventions make them feel acceptable within the community and prevent psychological effects related to loneliness. Cultural universality versus cultural specificity                  Cultural universality refers to a multiple of cultural aspects acceptable on a global scale (Leininger 2010). On the other hand, cultural specificity refers to a thing, event, or idea that is unique to a particular culture (Hirschfeld 2008). The Nigerian children are living in a foreign nation where there are different traditions and cultures. In order to maintain ethical standards towards dealing with the refugees, their culture must be respected while those events which are accepted globally they are encouraged to participate with others. When designing the intervention program, it is important to understand the cultural traditions of Nigerians as it facilitates better and efficient interaction through the available social activities. This will ensure that their cultures are respected which facilitates the development of self-esteem among the children. The culture of Nigeria is characterized by their multiple ethnic groups. However, they have unique ways of practicing their cultural traditions. These practices such as festivals, weddings and names and naming ceremonies are very crucial when designing the intervention program to help the Nigerian children. The invention should be designed in a way that incorporates these traditions for effective implementation. Ethical consideration refers to the acceptable ethical principles applied when tackling a particular issue. The intervention program should be designed in a friendly way that is not harmful to the victims of violence. Secondly, the subject has to accept failure to which the program should not be implemented as it is unethical to tackle a particular issue without the consent of the affected. References Colman, A. M. (2010). What is psychology? (3rd ed.). London: Routledge. Cook, R. (2009). Intervention. New York: G.P. Putnam’s Sons. Hirschfeld, L. A., & Gelman, S. A. (2008). Mapping the mind: domain specificity in cognition and culture. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Leininger, M. M., & McFarland, M. R. (2010). Culture care diversity and universality: a worldwide nursing theory (2nd ed.). Sudbury, MA: Jones and Bartlett. Swanson, B. B. (2011). What is a quality preschool program?. Washington, D.C.?: ERIC. Source document

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Effects of a Changing World Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Effects of a Changing World - Essay Example The areas affected most by the change from a bipolar world ruled by the U.S and the Soviet Union include the nature of intelligence gathered, changing use of intelligence by the government, and the influence of these intelligence on U.S domestic and foreign policies (Martland, 2008). For instance, as other powers such as China and Brazil continue to rise, the U.S intelligence has been forced to form unique intelligence alliances with its allies such as the British (Martland, 2008). Specifically, the social, economic, cultural, and political hegemony that emerged and spread in the 1990s implied that the U.S intelligence community had to treat intelligence as a hegemonic concept to gain insight into other societies. In particular, the current social hegemony in which people have the freedom and the right to exercise their civil powers has made the U.S intelligence community to change their perception towards intelligence (Dieseldorff, 2009).Thus, due to the civil powers brought about b y social, political, cultural, and economic hegemony, the intelligence community recognizes that hegemonic concepts have to be normalized (Dieseldorff, 2009). This changing nature of the world has quite a number of implications for the U.S intelligence community. For instance, the U.S intelligence is currently designed to establish and promote a culture of imperialism in which the U.S tries to dictate not only the internal affairs of other countries but also their social and economic features. For illustration, besides supporting the Iraqi and the Afghani Wars, the U.S intelligence has supported the installation and the creation of internal and sponsored governments in these subordinate states. Martland, P. (2008). â€Å"Spooks and Spies: a History of the British and US Intelligence Communities, 1909 to the Present†. Retrieved on September 2, 2012 from

Friday, September 27, 2019

Business questions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Business questions - Essay Example As Jones & George say, consumption and investment rates are highly dependent on the economic aspects and the political scenario respectively (128). The political force, in my opinion, is the major determinant of successful business transactions. Political forces determine whether a society will be peaceful and stable enough to allow for investment. As Lynch indicates, the Chinese would benefit from venturing into the U.S markets as there are fewer trade barriers, alternative energy sources are in plenty, as well as the Chinese are better placed to learn new technologies that could benefit their home markets (1). With the Chinese shifting a lot of focus in the U.S markets, Lynch is of the opinion that U.S.A. will gain from job creations by the Chinese. The Chinese companies have sustained investors with loans, which is shifted to U.S economy (Lynch, 1). With the IMF expecting the Chinese outward investment to augment, the U.S assets are slowly gaining prominence among the Chinese buyers. The U.S markets and economy will automatically grow, while back at home, the Chinese manpower is grabbed by the world’s superpower (Lynch,

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Summarise the major current demographic trends in any one country with Assignment

Summarise the major current demographic trends in any one country with which you are familiar.Explain what the likely long-term - Assignment Example This upward trend in the UK’s population represents reversal of the position in the 1970s and 1980s, when, due to substantial emigration and low birth rates, there were negative swings in population. The rise in birth rate after 2004 is attributed to women born overseas who generally bear more number of children than their native counterparts. The higher birth rate has also led to the increase in the average age of the population. During 1851, 7 per cent of the population was aged above 60. This increased to 9 per cent and 16 per cent by 1901 and 1951 respectively, and to 21 per cent as per the 2001 census. Moreover, it has been estimated that there will be 16.8 million people above 65 years of age in the UK by 2050. There is a local dimension to the population spread. On average the population of England is expected to increase by 7% between 2010 and 2020 but according to projections from the Office for National Statistics (ONS), some areas are expected to record a decrease. Of the 20 local authority areas for which fastest growth is projected, Norwich is the furthest north (Local Government Association report, 2010). In the UK, 80 per cent of people live in the urban areas, and population density varies hugely across the country. It is highest in inner London, and lowest in the Scottish highlands. Within the UK again, there is fair amount of migration taking place. Between the 1930s and 2001 the major trend was a movement of people from the north of the country to the south. The southern regions gained 30,000 people a year on average during this period. Since 2001 there has been an apparent reversal of this long term trend, the north gaining 35,000 people per year at the expense of the south. Due to such trends, the populations of Scotland and Wales are falling. In both countries there are considerably more deaths than births each year and relatively high levels of net-emigration. The UK is also dealing with the issue of ever-increasing immigration. In terestingly, throughout the 1970s as well as during early 1980s, there was more migration from the UK to elsewhere in the world than immigration to it. From 1993, this trend reversed and there was a huge gap between people migrating from the UK and those migrating to the UK. This gap kept widening till 2008, after which it has slowly begun to narrow. Such demographic changes have had direct impact on the country’s welfare policies. As the size of the population is getting bigger who avail the welfare schemes than those who contribute for them there is a potential threat to social security, although this is yet not apparent. Demography is pivotal to framing and execution of social policy because of its close relationship to need, and in turn, demand upon the welfare state (Vickerstaff, Manning, and Baldock, 2007). Also, the demand for new housing and related development as a result of demographic change is increasingly posing threat to environmental issues in some parts of the country, and in order to tackle this, the economy is further being strained (UK report, 2011). On the other hand, demographic changes pose challenges for the economy and public finances in the long term, as the increase in dependents is greater than the increase in working-age population. The main driver of this change is the ageing of population (Financial Statement and

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Biological Basis of Morality (Animals) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Biological Basis of Morality (Animals) - Essay Example Animals in circuses can, through programmed behavior, produce incredible performances due to constant practice and strict regimen. These aspects have been discussed in detail in the article through which a reader becomes able to clearly understand the author’s perspective. In general, animals mainly cater to their biological needs like food, sleep, urge for procreation and fear. These are the four factors that the animals share with humans but when one considers the intellectual aspects animals are not bestowed with this faculty. Thus whatever they do depends on their biological needs as emerging from the article, without having an influence from psychological or philosophical needs as opposed to humans. It can be seen that animals do certain activity as discussed below which is common to humans; but how they do it is different because while all acts of animals stem from their biological structure, humans are also motivated and guided by their intellect. I will illustrate below how the arguments in the article are supported from examining the acts common to humans and animals, and how they differ in the context of morality in both groups: - Both animals and humans have to work for satisfying their hunger. While animals hunt for food, human beings work to earn their livelihood. The biological urges in animals force them to kill weaker animals and birds to satisfy their hunger. Therefore, it can be stated that the biological structure is what makes them do this activity. Humans, on the other hand, do not kill out of a biological need to satisfy hunger; if at all a human being kills, it is after a lot of meditation, for a specific purpose and not necessarily to quell his hunger. Sleep is essential for all living beings. It is during this period that they recharge their mental and physical capacities to prepare themselves for work to be performed during the next day. A human

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Job Satisfaction in Pharmacy Personal Statement Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Job Satisfaction in Pharmacy - Personal Statement Example Through these changes, my attitude is constantly challenged to meet the tight aspects of the work by building on my inherent teamwork and unity and continuing to trust explicitly that my employers are here to support my endeavors 100% of the way. It is only up to me therefore to be accountable for the actions I exhibit in lieu to my job attitude. Furthermore, self-improvement is never a hindrance and continuing to learn through the various activities sponsored by the company to better me as employee should be a welcome respite from all the stress demands of the job. Learning and enjoying the job as a pharmacist should balance my work/life character as an employee. Being in PharmCare Express I should take advantage of the value-added experiences this company is eager to give me, their employee. As employees, it is our task then to currently emphasize what could happen if some of the techniques are adopted to address job-related issues instead of meeting it head-on with rumor mongering and other petty behavior We just might see a boost in morale on both sides of the counter. The workplace is where we spend half of our time everyday and enjoying our job can spell a world of difference especi

Monday, September 23, 2019

Research methods Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 1

Research methods - Essay Example For instance, no two elderly Pakistani males are alike, neither are two young English females, and such is a situation among the appearing academic intellectuals of today. Therefore, an open-minded social scientist (especially sociology student) might find it important to find out why some people are more likely to reach educational success than others. This is the question posed within the context of this research proposal, and research hypotheses can be taken from the review of related writings created by competent social scientists, who have dealt a lot with social class stratification. For social scientists this issue is extremely important within the general frames of describing social stratification and inequality based on person’s origin. Several researches, conducted in different time periods can be a good basis for changes in social and immigration policies and might satisfy scientific interest of researchers. A number of sociologists wrote on their ideas about the reasons for different academic success in the society, where higher education is widely available. Their concepts imply that individuals may have experienced contradictory influences toward academic success in part because of their race or socio-economic condition. â€Å"The different variables, in turn, can be shown to affect the level of academic success some persons achieve. The ethnicity of an individual is believed by many to have a strong correlation with the level of academic success achieved by that particular ethnic group† (Murphy, 1986, p.501). Furthermore, many people belonging to the same race live in the same areas. For instance, refugees or immigrants from the Muslim world tend to concentrate in certain urban and rural settings that have comparatively low socio-economic status, which may be associated with the lower levels of educational success achieved in this area, among

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Environmental Influences Essay Example for Free

Environmental Influences Essay A global plastic manufacturer, Riordan Manufacturing is on top among others in the field of plastic injection molding, with annual projected earnings of $46 millions. As an industry leader, Riordan have a labor force of 550 employees and have state-of-the art design capabilities that create innovative plastic designs which won an international acclaim. With its present capabilities, Riordan remains a strong and vibrant company in the industry. Riordan’s plan to open up new business in other country is not new as Riordan manufacturing has one in China. India is another country that has a strong potential for business to thrive. However, the company needs to consider pertinent ethics issues that are highly valued in that country. Of Course, India is a country with very sensitive culture especially in matter of religion. Which you identify the three most pertinent ethics issues faced by Riordan Manufacturing in conducting business in your selected country The most pertinent ethics issues Riordan manufacturing must take into considerations in putting up business in India should be the following; discrimination, sensitivity to local customs and tradition, and sensitivity to the economic condition of the society. While Riordan’s primary interest is to gain profits, they certainly need a strong workforce to facilitate its operation. However, Riordan manufacturing must address the ethics issues of discrimination confronting the employee-employer relationship in relation to employment. The ethics issues involve in hiring employees lies on how the management treats their employees, which according to Crane and Matten (2007) can serve as a moral hazard to employees. The situation of the Indian economy is potential breeding ground for discrimination as the government allows the hiring of employees on contractual basis. Davenport, Crotty, and Torres cited that Indian Law â€Å"starts from the common law premise that an employer has a right to terminate the services of an employee without giving a reason. Riordan Manufacturing can easily fall into temptation to exploit this law to serve its own interest at the expense of the contractual employees. Although it might be allowed by law, terminating employees merely on the ground of fixed contact terms allows the company to select the kind of employees they desired. This is discrimination because in effect, they are ejecting employees they do not like in favor of others whom they desired. Crane and Matten stated that discrimination in essence â€Å"is a violation of Rawl’s Theory of Justice, that social and economic inequalities are to be arranged so that they are attached to the offices and positions open to all under conditions of fair equality of opportunity† (p. 273). The next ethics issues faced by Riordan Manufacturing in conducting business in India are the sensitivity to local customs and tradition. India is known for its religious culture of regarding life as sacred whether human or animal life. Indeed, for Hindus, cows are sacred. Failure to respect local customs and tradition proved to be disastrous. This is clearly seen in the case of Disneyland in Paris whose initial failure was blamed for Disney’s lack of sufficient awareness of the local cultures. Riordan Manufacturing therefore must be aware of India’s local customs and traditions in order not to repeat the same mistake that caused Disney Company hundreds of millions of dollars in losses during the initial years of Disneyland in Paris. Since the company’s products are plastic beverage containers, it assumes no direct connection to what the Hindus regarded as sacred, however, Riordan manufacturing must be able to draw a clear concept reflecting the company’s fair dealing and high regard for ethical issues. Finally, Riordan Manufacturing must be able to demonstrate sensitivity to economic condition of the community. The company must contribute to the local government’s effort of community development by first of all providing employment opportunities to local residents, paying required taxes and other required fees to the local government, and avoid any express transactions via under the table arrangements. Riordan Marketing should also able to recognize its role not only as profit oriented company, but also a business organization responsible to both its shareholders stakeholders. That is, the company must care for the environmental and cultural impact of its business operation. How do these ethics issues impact Riordan Manufacturing’s marketing efforts Negatively, the lesson that was learned by Disney Company during the initial years of its operation in Paris is the answer how these ethics issues can impact Riordan manufacturing’s marketing efforts. Failure to consider these ethics issues will certainly lead to serious losses as it will affect the domestic market’s behavior in view of indifferent patronage of Riordan’s product. As Chryssides and Kaler (1993) pointed out, Riordan Marketing must recognize that business â€Å"is not just a matter of economic exchange of money, commodities, and profits; it involves human interactions, is basic to human society, and is intertwined with the political, social, legal, and cultural life of society (p. 37). Riordan Marketing’s failure to settle the ethics issues as cited above could seriously damage the marketing of the product and might even come to worse if a campaign to boycott the product will be spearheaded by any radical organization. India, being second most populous nation on earth and is a fast industrializing economy can be a huge market for Riordan Marketing promising a potential profits for the company. Positively however, the ethics issues discussed above can provide Riordan a positive image and insure domestic patronage if those ethics issues are observed by the company. The ethics issues properly addressed can reduce the negative impact of marketing, and it will also enhance the consumer well-being. Vilcox and Mohan (2007) aptly stated that ethics issues can â€Å"increase its positive impact by providing consumers with goods and services that can enhance their overall quality of life† (p. 50). The impact therefore of those ethics issues can be achieved by the company through creating a positive company image based on cultural awareness, respect and incorporating the customs and tradition to the company’s business strategy. If Riordan Manufacturing also wanted to consider marketing to a broader region that included your selected country (e. g. , Europe, Asia), what impact would this have on their marketing strategy? The impact Riordan Manufacturing’s marketing to a broader region is dependent of the company’s overall image. Based on the company’s history and current business performances, Riordan Manufacturing enjoys a very highly organized and well secure business transaction. They have no bad previous records in terms of their internal operation. The company’s human resource has an excellent policy with regard to employee-employer relationships and in terms of benefits the company provides its employees. The company’s ethical reputation of the company will certainly have good impact on their regional marketing strategy. Indeed, Riordan Manufacturing’s marketing strategy is ethical marketing. In a paper entitled â€Å"PR Campaign: Final Paper† of the University of Phoenix Public Relation dated 2007, the paper stated that Riordan Manufacturing is focused on creating an organization that recognize the individual employee’s importance to the company. According to the paper, the Riordan Manufacturing is bent on creating a socially responsible company to the community which is the stakeholder in this case. Furthermore, the company is doing its best to inform the public that although their products may not always be environmentally friendly, they are completely conscious of the public concerns (PR Campaign). Thus, even if Riordan Marketing will consider marketing to a broader region that includes India, it will not have negative impact on their marketing strategy especially in India because they have not violated any cultural issues or the local customs and tradition of the host country. Rather, addressing ethics issues such as those discussed above will always yield potential gains for the company. Considering that Riordan Manufacturing’s marketing strategy is it self ethical marketing, it means they are on the right track as ethics deals with what is good for the majority. The impact of these ethics issues is that it will enhance the company’s public relations that will surely have an immense impact on Riordan Manufacturing’s marketing strategy. The point therefore is clear, Riordan Manufacturing’s success in creating a company that is highly anchored on ethical principles and values will help them determine its course of success both in the broader region and in a particular country like India. In the meantime, Riordan Manufacturing is on its way of transforming itself towards a company that cares on every spheres of their operation ethically. They are a company that acknowledges responsibility on all their stakeholders beginning from their own employees, the organization, the community, and the country where it operates. Reference List Crane, A. Matten, D. (2007) Business Ethics USA: University Press Chryssides, G. D. Kaler, J. H. (1993) An Introduction to Business Ethics UK: Cengage Learning EMEA Davenport, G. , Crotty, M. , Torres, P. (2000) Termination of Employment Digest Switzerland: I LO Pr Campaign: Final Paper January 29, 2007 http://www. oppapers. com/essays/Pr-Campaign-Final-Paper/119681 Vilcox, M. W. Mohan, T. (2007) Contemporary Issues in Business Ethics New York: Nova Science Publishers, Inc.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Discovering Our Identity Is Both Challenging And Ongoing Essay Example for Free

Discovering Our Identity Is Both Challenging And Ongoing Essay Finding ourselves can be a described as a difficult and never ending process. People can unearth new aspects of their identities every day, from new experiences and partaking in different activities with different people. An individual can spend their whole lives searching for answers about themselves and about their life. However, for some people, their identity comes more naturally. Discovering our identity come from learning about our heritage, engaging with different people who shape and mould us as individuals and our religion. Examples of this are displayed constantly in our world, on personal, local and global levels. Learning about our heritage can be crucial in discovering our identity. Our culture and genetics makes up such a big part of who we are as human beings. With so many contrasting and unique cultures in this world, uncovering more about our own culture can be very eye opening, and help shape who we become as people. Two of my cousins were adopted from Korea. Although they fit in with the Australian culture very well and identify as being Australian, a very strong part of them is still connected to Korea. They call themselves â€Å"Kozzies†, and often joke about their Asian-Australian upbringing. Their parents recently took them on a holiday to Seoul, which is where they were both born. This experience was very enlightening for them, and taught them so much about themselves as people. This is an example of how discovering more about our cultural background can aid us in uncovering aspects of our identity. Although they believe they don’t belong in Korea, their interest in the Korean culture is still very strong, and they both want to endeavor to unearth more about their genetics, and biological family. Interacting with different people can be a major contributant to our learning about our own identity. Generally humans tend to surround themselves with like minded people. However, when an individual finds themselves in a different environment with contrasting personalities, they have to adjust accordingly. This may include changing aspects of themselves. In Wildcat Falling, the protagonist meets a woman called June, who is studying psychology at University. It is clear that both Wildcat and June come from opposite socioeconomic groups and have very diverse lifestyles. However, Wildcat  engages with June, and although he appears dismissive and uncaring, he is generally stimulated by their conversation. Through this interaction, Wildcat discovers that perhaps he could be interested in leading a different lifestyle to his criminal past. Similarly, in life, people discover new things about themselves constantly through interaction with others. Through conversation and association with other people, our views and values can change. On a local level, debate about same-sex marriage has sparked controversy in our society. The national discussion on equality has caused divides between many people and calls for ethical decisions to be made. Through debates with others and general conversation, we can learn more about ourselves, and our values, which make up a very large part of our identity. Our identity can be impacted and shaped around our religion. Around the world there are many people who identify with contrasting and diverse religions. These religions can provide a comfort to people and act as a way to bring communities together. However they can also be the cause of conflict between groups of people. Many wars have been fought over religion and many religious extremists can be the cause of political controversy. In investing oneself to a religion, many people find a satisfaction because they feel part of something. They feel like they a part of a community, of something bigger than themselves. Religion is a world wide practice, and it through learning and developing deep connections to their religion, people can discover parts of themselves they never knew existed. Some people don’t yet believe in anything, and are still searching for answers about the earth, and universe. In doing this, they are learning about themselves and their beliefs. Sometimes it can be difficult to commit to a religion. Because people believe in some aspects of it, but disagree with others. Thus, our opinions are formulated, which in turn help to shape parts of our individuality. With the vast amount of individuals occupying this earth at anyone time, it is impossible for us to be completely individual. From birth be are programed to be a particular way. Due to our genetics and our culture, we are destined to have particular features, and be predisposed to have  specific diseases. As we grow up, our culture can have a very profound effect on our identity. It can effect our whole mentality and the way we behave. Our identity can also be said to be comprised of the personalities of the many people who have influenced us throughout our life. These people in some way or another, have had an effect on us. This could have changed a small or large part of our identity. Our religious practices can have a profound effect on our identity. Religion can either play a small or large part on our lives, however it is always influencing us in one way or another, whether it be our own religion, or the actions of others due to religion, we are always concocting opinions on i t.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Ricardian Trade Theory: Overview and Analysis

Ricardian Trade Theory: Overview and Analysis The Classical trade theory: Ricardian Trade Theory (Comparative advantage trade theory) Introduction Ricardian Trade Theory David Ricardo points out the Ricardian Model in 1817. Different countries had differences in productivity and technology. Hence, those differences would cause comparative advantage trade. There are two mainly points of Ricardian Model; firstly, the different rates of labor productivity between different countries had important position in international trade. Secondly, the model of trade is dependent on comparative advantage, not absolute advantage. On the other words, According to Evans, H. D (1989), comparing two countries, a country had absolute advantage in the production of two goods, and the other on was in absolute inferiority. The assumption is: the two goods had different productivity in both countries (one goods productivity is more efficiency than the other one in a country). The advantage country got comparative advantage in one advantage good, and inferiority country got comparative advantage in one disadvantage good. Both countries produce their comparative advantage go ods, moreover, both countries export the comparative advantage good and import comparative disadvantage good, then both countries could got benefits from this international trade. This is the principle of Ricardian comparative advantage trade theory. As lecture notes point out and Porter,M.E (1998) concluded, the Ricardian Comparative advantage trade theory is based on the assumptions followed: 1, there are only two countries, A and B. 2, both countries are only produced two goods. 3, when the goods were producing, there are different technology between two countries, A and B. Hence the different degrees of technology level affect different productivity and capital. 4, this model only got the goods to goods trade assumption. There is no complicate trading. (Both goods got same price, however the cost of production was not equal). 5, labor market supply was fixed. 6, labour can mobile inside the country, however, is not mobile across countries. 7, in countries, goods and markets are perfect competition. 8, there is no tariff and transportation cost. 9, productivity of labor is fixed. (Means the degree of technology would not increase during trading.) The theory generally assumes that the relative supplies of these two particular commodities are based on their relative productivity and technology. Hence, every country got varies productivity or technology; the endowments were the factor of their relative the productivity. This theory presented two countries are endowed with different level or degree of the production factors, and the naturally determined endowments, country would follow the endowments to trade the comparative advantage goods to the other one. These affect the two countries international trade more efficient and decrease the cost of capital for both countries. Moreover, with constant productivity, both countries could benefit from the free international trade even one country is in absolute disadvantage. Takumi Naito (2012) concluded the Ricardian model of trade and growth. He concluded from the assumption and gets one results: if two countries got larger comparative advantage, the benefit for both countries are ge tting huger. We can easily contact the relationship between advance country and developing country. With the simple example, United Kingdom and India trade with the grains and textile during the law of comparative advantage coming out. Hence, the textile production in UK requires less labour hours required in the grains producing: UK got the comparative in producing cheese. Same as India, India has comparative advantage producing grains. Therefore, there are gain from international trade if UK product the textile and India product grains. The Ricardian Model really proved UK free international trade in grains. Under those assumptions, Ricardian model ignores many product factors besides labor. David Ricardo explained the reason of international trade under different efficient of labor production. There are huge advantages for developing the international trade with this classic model. Firstly, this model comes from the law of comparative advantage, and help the United Kingdom got the solution to the grain crisis from 1815. Secondly, although Ricardian Model only showed its pedagogical importance, the classical emphasis on different productivity and the cost of labor has been utilized by the neoclassical focus on factor endowments. (Stephen S.G, 2000) thirdly, older tests, such as MacDougall, 1951 and Stern, 1962 were highly successful. Hence, it is valuable for us to know how this basic pedagogical model performs empirically with the large recent data. The empirical Validity of the Model and the Relevance of the Empirical Work In these parts, this paper would show the strengths and weaknesses of Ricardian Model, from the points of empirical. The core meaning as mention before: follow the law of comparative advantage; the country would to do specialized production for only one goods which is comparative advantage good. We cannot reject this theory points with the literature evidence; however, we could prove some empirical evidence to discuss the advantage and disadvantage for the international trade. Basic Ricardian Model The Ricardian Model focus on the technology and labour productivity. As the comparative advantage theory mentioned, the labour costs also is the important elements of this model. Now, based on the research of Stephen S.G (2000) we represent ‘Aa’ to the labor requirements of every single unit in country a, and ‘Qa’ is the value-added in country a. represent the ‘La’ as the labour employment in country a: We can see easily, the Aa is unit labor requirements, that means the value of Aa get higher, the productivity of country a getting lower. Hence, the main points of ricardian model are increasing total productivity of whole country, the Aa needed to lower. Coming from the assumption of Ricardian Model, the labour is fixed and not crosses to the other country. Therefore, the La is fixed, we keep the La constant. So, the productivity is dependent on the totally value-added Qa. Hence, we can conclude: Ricardian Model would success, there would be a huge enough different productivity between two countries. Or there would not gain from the free trade. We could also use b to represent the country b. hence, Ab, Lb, and Qb are all represent same means in country b. as the labour cost we can defined as the Ca and Cb. Then, Wa and Wb represent as the wage of employees in countries a and b. we assume the exchange rate between a and b is 1:1. We use ‘Rab’ as the rate of Ca and Cb. The function can be showed: We can see, if Rab smaller than 1, that means country a cost lower than country b, country a got comparative advantage good that should export goods. If Rab bigger than 1, that means country a should import goods. (All the functions are all represent one same good between two countries) From this function, we can see one possible: Rab is equal to 1. Hence, there is no comparative advantage between country a and b (the absolute advantage country got same rate in both goods with the absolute disadvantage country), which means, there is equal disadvantage and equal advantage. This is one of the disadvantages of Ricartian Model. Empirical work of Ricardian Model With the basic Ricardian Model, we could learn from the empirical studies to find out the strengths and weaknesses. First of all, this paper would discuss the empirical theory from MacDougall (1951). This case study used the ratio of US exports to UK exports. The dependent variable can be presented as both exports. And he used the productivity as the main independent variable. He used the total exports between US and UK. He collected 25 industries from UK and US in 1937. With his findings, he set the hypothesis: the wage rate is the same level as the labour productivity between US and UK. He used the 1937 data; those data showed US wage rate is double to UK wage rate. And we can follow the function in top; there is same reason that US got the comparative advantage in exports. Then he used the simple measures, he found the results that 20 of the 25 products follow the ratio. There are bigger than one. Hence the results are support the Ricardian Model. Secondly, the case study of Stern (1962) same as MacDougall, they both compare the totally exports between US and UK during different periods. And both used the productivity as the main independent variable. The results is 33 of the 39 sectors follow this ratios, as same as results of MacDougall could support for Ricardian Model. Thirdly, case study of Balassa (1963) points out the bilateral trade from UK and US to the third markets. Different with Stern and MacDougall, he relative both labor cost and productivity as explanatory variable. With the bilateral trade, there are three characteristics: speed fast, huger scope and sustainable sequencing. With the Song (1996) points out, there are some problem between the Balassa studies, which is the transportation cost and the tariffs. Under the developing countries, there are huge different between the tariffs and transportation cost. The only way is to fix the free trade strategy to bilateral trade. tariffs and transportation cost are ag ainst the assumption of Ricardian Model. With the bilateral trade, Balassa chose the data from 1950 to post 1970. As the results, this is also can prove the prediction of Ricardian Model. Although the bilateral trade is following the comparative advantage, this paper would use the overall export ratio of Stephen (2000) as in MacDougall and Stern. The radio is exports to third markets. Stehen choose 39 manufacturing sectors from 1970 to 1990. He got the database from OECD Structural Analysis Industrial (STAN) and Bilateral Trade (BT). Figure one and two are showed. He collected the purchasing-power-parity (PPPs) exchange rate. There are three PPPs shows on second Figure, frist is common PPPs, Second is sector-specific final expenditure PPPs from ICP, and last is sector-specific manufacturing PPPs from ICOP projects. (Stephen S.G ,2000).

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Unforgotten Words :: Papers

Unforgotten Words Franchessca woke to the sound of a distant Will Young playing on the television downstairs. It was Saturday again, which meant she'd stay in bed for as long as possible, or until her boyfriend called her. She sat up in bed to be blinded by the light from the window. "Good morning sunshine" Franchessca said before stretching and yawning. The house was the same unusual quiet that it was on a Saturday morning, her mum still in bed and her brother crashed out on the couch probably stuffing his face with the first, most unhealthy thing he could find in the kitchen. She decided to go downstairs for some breakfast. "Joel get up you lazy get! Jo is right, all you ever do is eat and sleep!" she stormed past him into the kitchen to put the kettle on for her mum. It was turning Eleven o'clock so she decided to stay downstairs and wait for Jo to call. Jo was her boyfriend who she'd met during the summer, working at the youth centre. It was her mum who got them together really, for a change she approved in Franchesscas choice of boy. Jo was a small, slim boy with a strange hairstyle; it was always messy but looked attractive. He'd met Franchessca before then and had fell for her the first time they met. It had started off with a new school project that Franchessca had gone to for sometime, then, in late July, his school had sent along Jo too. They both remembered the first time they spoke to each other. It was amazing for Jo who lingered on to her every word, and still did to the very day. "Hi Suzy, is Franki there?" "Yeah hang on Jo I'll get her for you" It was the same every time Jo called. He had always found it hard to speak to Franki's mum for a long time on the phone, it made him stutter a lot. "Hello?.à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ Oh hiya Jo how are you babyà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ My dad's coming down today so I

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Up-hill and Looking Back and Afterwards Essay -- Christina Rossetti Th

Up-hill and Looking Back and Afterwards The poems I am going to analyse and compare are 'Remember', 'Up-hill' and 'Looking Back' by Christina Rossetti and 'Afterwards' by Thomas Hardy. These poems reflect on the theme of loss and how it affects the poets when they reflect on it. The poems also show the poets' preoccupation of death. In these poems, the poets approach the theme of death using various different techniques and linguistic devices. Christina Rossetti is a passionate and powerful poet; the majority of her poetry has contained the themes of either love or death, and in many cases both. Even in the poems which she wrote for children, these themes are prominent. Hardy too was very close to nature. In his poem there are vivid descriptions of objects and the element of nature is almost always present. The titles of these poems all give a hint about what the poem is about. 'Remember' tells us that the poet wants to be remembered for something. Often one is remembered after her death because the pain of loss keeps bringing back her memories. In the poem Rossetti does ask her lover to remember her and demands that he should "Only remember me". 'Up-hill' tells us that that the poet is probably going on a journey. This journey is the journey of life, which Rossetti is inquiring about in her poem. 'Looking back' shows us that the poet is reflecting on something. Again, one always 'looks back' on life when he is near his death to see what he has done and evaluate his life. 'Afterwards' is also a title which could refer to the theme of death. Hardy wants to know what will happen 'afterwards' when he is dead. He wants to be remembered not for his fame but for his closeness to nature and for the person ... ...ill' on the other hand shows how heaven will be - a place of comfort after a journey which "take the whole long day". 'Looking Back' is meant to convey that death is a time of evaluation of one's life. One should look back "along life's trodden way" and meditate on the mistakes and hardships of life. In 'Afterwards' Hardy says that death is a time of evaluation from others and that you should be remembered for what you are and not because you are famous or have achieved something. He also hopes that he will be remembered for his familiarity with nature and how he "could do little" for it even though he tried. I feel that all the poems effectively convey the theme of loss. All poems have a different approach but the basic idea is clear: death is inevitable. However, the poets have different views on death and its effect on them and those close to them.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Death Penalty Essay

In all cultures, many situations happen where a criminal must be penalized, so that they can be trained a class, and they can quit spending criminal offenses. There are many different methods of penalizing criminals such as one is the death penalty charge. The problem of the loss of lifestyle charge has been avidly mentioned throughout record. Some individual assistance the concept of the death penalty, since they say it is only fair for one to forfeit their life if they take the life of another. Others think death penalty is not reasonable, and worry that many innocents have been punished for something they did not do. The problem of investment penalties offers with the ethical problems of many people with different views within a group. It is a vicious penalty, and many have mentioned that legal techniques should be able to develop other penalties to substitute it. Tendency is present in cases relating to the loss of life charge. Many think all civil areas should eliminate the loss of life charge. On the other hand, death penalty is being conducted to reduce crime rates and the living cost in the jail is expensive. Criminals tend to kill others according to jealously and loss of dignity. M. Radelet quoted that eighty-eight percent of the nation’s famous criminals do not believe the death penalty acts as addict to homicide. In addition, seventy-five percent of the respondents agree that ‘deaths about the death penalty distract congress and state legislatures from focusing on real solutions to crime problems.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Detailed Environmental Impact Assessment (DEIA) Essay

Detailed Environmental Impact Assessment (DEIA) is one of the procedures of EIA adopted in Malaysia. The DEIA report will be prepared after the Preliminary EIA was approved by the Department Of Environmental. Detailed EIA is a procedure undertaken for those projects with major or significant impacts to the environment. The Procedure for Detailed EIA. Figure 1 shows the procedure involved in DEIA The detailed assessment involves EIA report display for the public and affected community to comment. The examples of activities which need to go through the Detailed EIA procedure are listed in List 1. Notwithstanding the list in List 1, the Director General of Environment has the prerogative to request a detailed assessment of a project which has significant impacts to the environment of projects which are located in or adjacent to environmentally sensitive areas. List of Prescribed Activities Which Require Detailed EIA 1. Iron and steel industry. 2. Pulp and paper mills. 3. Cement plant. 4. Construction of coal fired power plant. 5. Construction of dams for water supply and hydroelectric power schemes. 6. Land reclamation. 7. Incineration plant (scheduled wastes & solid wastes). 8. Construction of municipal solid waste landfill facility (including municipal solid waste transfer station). 9. Project involving land clearing where 50% of the area or more having slopes exceeding 25 degrees (except quarry). 10. Logging covering an area exceeding 500 hectares or more. 11. Development of tourist or recreational facilities on islands in surrounding waters which are gazetted as national marine parks. 12. Construction of recovery plant (off-site) for lead-acid battery wastes 13. Scheduled wastes recovery or treatment facility generating significant amount of wastewater which is located upstream of public water supply intake. 14. Non-ferrous – Primary smelting. List 1 shows examples of activities that need DEIA After the DEIA report being approved by the DOE approval, a paper advertisement is carries out for public’s comment. The DEIA report could be purchased for any individual parties that interested into it. For example, a DEIA report could be purchased with RM 1,000.00. The advertisement is opened for the public view in a certain period of time. After the duration for the public’s comments on the prescribed activities related with the DEIA report, the construction process is started. Prescribed Activity started DEIA amendment prior to public’s comment Paper advertisement for public’s comment DEIA approved Submission of DEIA for approval Preparation of DEIA PEIA approved

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Human Rights In Pakistan Essay

The human rights commission of PakistanSince independence and partition from British India in 1947, Pakistani political institutions have been dominated by the military. Pakistan has had a military government for thirty of its fifty-eight years of independence. The Pakistani military is a descendent of the British Indian Army and has retained the institutional structure, culture, and imperial ethos of its colonial predecessor. (Ghafoor 2007 101-18) Similar observations can be made about the next most powerful institution in Pakistan, the civil bureaucracy. Most analysts of the Pakistani state and politics have described the governance structure in the country as an oligarchic relationship between the landed feudal elites and the civil and military bureaucracy. Most accounts of the Pakistani state and society have adhered to a narrative structured around civil and military bureaucracy, landed feudal elites, and ethnic and religious nationalist forces. The traditional narrative has als o typically blamed the asymmetrical power of the tripartite oligarchic structure for the attenuated development of the civil-society institutions. (Abbas, 2005 74-79) Partially in reaction to the excesses of the Zia regime and its allies, the Human Rights Commission of Pakistan (HRCP) was formed in 1986. In the two decades since its inception, the HRCP has become the most influential nongovernmental actor in the cause of human rights in Pakistan (UNDP 2000). The immediate impetus for the HRCP’S formation was opposition to a battery of regressive laws passed by the Zia regime, including the separate electorate for non-Muslim minorities of Pakistan and the Hudood ordinance, in addition to vastly enhanced powers of the state for arbitrary arrests, censorship of the press, and limiting political dissent .Although women and religious minorities were the main victims of Zia’s Islamization drives, the progressive elements in the society were especially targeted for state oppression because they were deemed to be aligned with the main leftist opposition, the People’s Party. It was in this environment that a group of prominent citizens , primarily lawyers, including Asma Jehangir, Justice Dorab Patel, Malik Qasim, and Fakhruddin G. Ibrahim met and decided to merge many organizations and prodemocracy groups under the umbrella of the HRCP. Among the organizations were the Malik Ghulam Jilani Foundation for Human Rights and some political-prisoner-release and legal-aid committees. (Zaman 2004 689-716)Democracy and human rights in PakistanEach of the three  discourses of national security, developmentalism, and identity politics have pulled Pakistani civil society in conflicting directions, as has the process of mobilizing social capital. The two organizations discussed here–Jamaat-e-Islami and the Human Rights Commission of Pakistan–serve as exemplars of the larger tensions within Pakistani society and not as moral opposites. (Ghafoor 2007 101-18) All organizations/movements are deemed to be part of civil society unless they or their subsidiaries espouse and/or practice violence against noncombatant civilians. A civil society by definition does, and should, contain a range of agendas. Promoting a certain interpretation or vision of religion, state, and society is inherent to the dynamics of a vibrant civ il society. But when support of an agenda leaves the political sphere and becomes a violent armed struggle, questions can legitimately be raised about its place within civil society. The issue of what type of violence will qualify a nonstate actor to be excluded from the ambit of â€Å"civil† society is debatable and echoes the very contentious contemporary debate on the definition of terrorism. (Rana 2004 48-52)Military democracy and human rightsThe social-capital literature, despite its conceptual ambiguities and political pitfalls, provides intriguing insights into progression beyond the crude structural determinism of the past, but not to the extent of dispensing with structures altogether and embracing the cruder neoliberal celebration of individual and collective agency. (Daechsel 2007 141-60) All human societies have norms, networks, and horizontal associations that facilitate the agendas of individuals and groups. The more important question is, what are those norms and networks mobilized to achieve? How do certain norms become more ascendant than other norms, such as exclusivist and violent religiosity versus tolerant and nonviolent piety, or disc rimination versus democracy? (Inayatullah 2007 27-42)Benazir and Pakistan human rights Pakistan’s economic liberalization programs during Benazir Bhutto’s second term (1993-1996) encountered frequent political crises. While growth was steady during this period, external debt soared and the Karachi Stock Exchange plunged. Bhutto avoided certain quick fixes that were politically risky. She refused to impose taxes, for example, on agriculture and the politically influential feudal landlords who supported her staunchly. In 1995-1996, for instance, landlords paid only $79,000 in wealth tax–or 0.0036 percent of the direct taxes  collected. Following the assassination of Benazir in late December 2007, the human right situation of Pakistan worsens due to dictatorship of President Pervez Mushrif. The announcement of emergency rule in the country has raised the chance of violation of basic human rights in the country. (Malik 2007 117-28)Marshal Law and human rightsSince its creation as a Muslim country in 1947, Pakistan has undergone a tumultuous process o f nation building, seeking to create consensus and institutions sufficient for its stability. The straggle to establish a parliamentary democracy in a federal setting has been hampered by interethnic strife, fragmented elites, praetorian rule, and regional and global influences. Since 1947, the military officers have three times (in 1958, 1969, and 1977) administered governments by martial law, seeking to gain legitimacy en route to nation building. (Kennedy 2007 14-33)In Pakistan, the civilian rulers have often relied on the military to preserve their power. Dominated by Punjabis and representing landed and industrial interests, the military regards its dominance of Pakistani politics as vital to any attempt to safeguard the territorial integrity of the country in the face of bewildering ethnic, linguistic, and regional diversity. Military and non-military governments have equally appealed to Islam in order to maintain their legitimacy and to uphold different political, economic, and class interests. Because Islam has been, throughout Pakistan’s brief history, manipul ated for political and non-political purposes, one can argue that the religion has had a divisive rather than a unifying impact there. General Zia ul-Haq (1977-88) used Islam not only as a means to suspend democratic elections and constitutional liberties but also to legitimize his own power. Zia instituted a progressive program of Islamization that transferred the laws of the land from a more secular tradition to an Islamic one. This diminished the quality of Pakistani institutions, notably the system of justice. In his attempts to forge an alliance with Muslim clerics, Zia offered them positions as magistrates. This placed people with no prior legal or judicial qualifications in the seats of judges. The move damaged the integrity of the Pakistani judiciary and also tied its power directly to the state and Zia. (Mustafa 2004 168-84)Feudalism and violent customsPakistan continues to be a predominantly agrarian, rural, and feudal society. The transregional alliance forged by feudals, generals, and bureaucrats has prevented the expansion of civil  society. In addition, cultural/religious developments, such as orthodox Islamic influences and the strict enforcement of Shari’a law, have adversely affected the country’s human rights situation. The prospects for the improvement of human rights in Pakistan are bleak, although the country is ranked, according to the comparative survey of freedom worldwide, as partly free. (Malik 2007 117-28) Death from torture in police custody is epidemic. Indefinite detention without any charges, sometimes up to one year under Article 10 of the constitution, is commonplace. Self-censorship is widely practiced, especially on matters relating to the armed forces and religion. Traditional cultural and religious forces block political and legal equality for women. These forces also discriminate against women in socioeconomic domains. On 2 January 1997, an all-Pakistan Working Women Convention in Karachi expressed concerns over social attitudes towards women. The convention called for an end to abuse of property rights, inheritance, and social traditions. (Khan 2007 181-95)Many human fights observers in Pakistan have objected to the action of a grand jirga of the Affidi sub-clans of the Khyber Agency that has decided to exclude women from voting. The tribal elders’ opposition to rural women’s voting rights in the North-West Frontier Province and Baluchistan reflects their deep ly entrenched tribal hierarchy. Death for adultery in rural areas is commonplace. The 1991 bill to expand Shari’a law preserves the subjugation of wives in marriage and divorce proceedings. Forced or child labor is widespread in rural areas, and the central government appears unable to prevent it. After the threat of sanction by sporting goods manufacturers and labor organizations, Pakistani authorities have begun a crackdown on child labor in the soccer ball industry. They conducted more than 7,000 raids on various businesses between January 1995 and March 1996. Ethnic and religious discrimination are rampant. Baluchis, Pathans, Ahmediyans (a religious sect), Christians, Shi’ite Muslims, and Hindus are frequent targets. The Federal Shari’a Court has prescribed the death penalty for insulting the Prophet Mohammad. The most active and vocal human rights monitoring groups, the Human Rights Commission of Pakistan (HRCP) and the Bonded Labor Liberation Front (BLLF), have been instrumental in promoting legislation which bans the bonded labor system . (S.V.R 2005 135-36)Human right abuses Women’s rights, however, are restricted in varying degrees in Pakistan The poor women’s rights condition  can often be attributed to de facto underdevelopment, low female literacy rates, and brutal local traditions and customs in the case of Pakistan, and to patriarchy, strict social codes, and male-centered structures in the cases of Pakistan. (Nizamani 1998 317-37) While Pakistan has ratified the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and the International Covenant on Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights, Pakistan have thus far refused to ratify those agreements (Malik 2007 117-28) More than half of Middle Eastern and North African countries have ratified the same covenants. Pakistan has ratified the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women. With the exception of Saudi Arabia, which is not a party to any human rights instruments, all Muslim countries are a party to one or more of those instruments. Although the ratification of these human rights instruments is no evidence of palpable improvement of fundamental rights, becoming party to such treaties has at least made their governments vulnerable to international criticism in cases of grotesque violations of global standards. It should be noted, however, that effective enforcement of human rights instruments remains almost entirely within these countries’ purview. (Whaites 2005 229-54)Role of AmericaHuman Rights Watch has also documented Pakistan’s role in the Kashmir conflict. Despite official denials by government officials in Pakistan, there is little doubt that much of the weaponry used by the militants reaches Kashmir from Pakistan. As anyone who has traveled in northwest Pakistan knows, weaponry siphoned off from supplies provided by the United States during the Afghan war is readily available in the arms bazaars of the Northwest Frontier Province. Pressure from the United States and other donor countries persuaded India to take a few steps toward accountability for its security forces. (Daechsel 2007 141-60) India established a Human Rights Commission and publicized one or two arrests of soldiers who had committed abuses. In March 1994, as noted above, it permitted the ICRC to conduct a survey of humanitarian needs in Kashmir. To ensure that human rights reform in India amounts to more than cosmetic gestures, the international community, through bilateral and multilateral initiatives, should press India to allow outside international investigations of human rights violations in Kashmir, permit international humanitarian agencies direct access to prisoners, and prosecute and punish army and paramilitary forces responsible for murder and  torture. Following the Marshal Law and emergency rule the commonwealth suspended the membership of Pakistan on the violation of basic human rights. (Ghafoor 2007 101-18)Constitution and human rightsThe founding members of the HRCP were mindful of the need for political action to bring about meaningful change. But in an atmosphere in which â€Å"the pol itical parties had been bludgeoned into oblivion† and, in the opinion of the HRCP founders, â€Å"had also lost their way† in the cause of fighting for human rights, the need for a nonpartisan, but not apolitical, watchdog organization to speak up for the rights of the victims of state oppression was urgent. The three resolutions adopted at the first meeting of the HRCP in 1986 were the holding of free and fair democratic elections, abolition of the separate electorate for the religious minorities in Pakistan and bringing them into the mainstream, and abolition of the death penalty. The last was particularly ambitious, given that the popularity of the death penalty in Pakistani state and society is perhaps matched only by Saudi Arabia and Texas! (Nasr, 2004 95-99)The HRCP was an avowed secular organization in a time when secularism was equated with atheism and antireligion in Pakistani society. In the words of one of its founding members, the HRCP was and continues to be an organization representing a â€Å"liberal democratic movement† in the society. Religious revivalist organizations were particularly hostile to the HRCP’S secularist message and have been a source of harassment to the HRCP membership from its inception. Although the HRCP is not a direct competitor in the electoral arena with Islamist movements, its activism against instances of religiotribalist injustice toward women has particularly rankled many Islamists, who tend to equate many tribal cultural traditions with Islam. Unlike many of its Western counterpart organizations, the HRCP has not limited itself to a legalistic interpretation of human rights, although that is an important element of its advocacy agenda. The annual human rights reports published by the HRCP are notable for their uniquely political view of what constitutes the arena of human rights. (Daechsel 2007 141-60) The HRCP has cultivated close partnerships with trade and worker unions in Pakistan and has highlighted such diverse issues as unemployment, foreign policy, militarization of civilian organizations, media, health, education, and youth affairs in its widely disseminated annual reports and council-meeting statements (HRCP 2003, 2004a, 2004b). The  activist background of some of the HRCP’S founding members and the organization’s declared allegiance to secular democracy and improving human welfare through justice have induced it to take a very broad and admittedly politicized view of human rights in Pakistan, despite contrary advice from some of its Western donors. (Cohen, 2006 18-26)Future of PakistanThere are irreducible differences and rivalries between secularists and Islamists. Precisely how these differences will be settled is difficult to foretell. If both sides refute the cardinal principle of conflict resolution-that is, the truth lies in the middle–the rivalries are bound to be more violent than ever before. If, on the other hand, they seek a political pact, the amelioration, if not the termination, of the conflicts would be likely (Malik 2007 117-28) a policy that respects pre- and post-elections pacts could minimize the eruption of such conflicts. Thus far, however, the failure to achieve such a middle ground has resulted in political disasters that have not only jeopardized the reign of self-indulgent and corrupt leaders, but also the civil, political, and economic fights of the vast majority of the people. (Daechsel 2007 141-60) References S.V.R. Nasr. (2005) â€Å"Islamic Opposition in the Political Process: Lessons from Pakistan,† in Esposito, ed., Political Islam: Revolution, Radicalism, or Reform? 135-36. Abbas, H. 2005. Pakistan’s Drift into Extremism: Allah, the Army, and America’s War on Terror. Armonk, N.Y.: M. E. Sharpe, 74-79. Cohen, S. P. (2006) The Pakistan Army: With a New Foreword and Epilogue. Karachi: Oxford University, 18-26. Daechsel, M. (2007) Military Islamization in Pakistan and the Specter of Colonial Perceptions. Contemporary South Asia 6 (2): 141-160. Ghafoor, A. (2007) A Social Engineering Experiment in Pakistan: A Study of Orangi. Regional Development Dialogue 8 (2): 101-118. GOP [Government of Pakistan]. 1993. National Environmental Action Plan: The Pakistan National Conservation Strategy. Karachi: Government of Pakistan, Environment and Urban Affairs Division. HRCP [Human Rights Commission of Pakistan]. 2003. Council Statement 2003. Lahore: Human Rights Commission of Pakistan. Inayatullah, S. (2007) Imagining an Alternative Politics of Knowledge: Subverting the Hegemony of International Relations Theory in Pakistan. Contemporary South Asia 7 (1): 27-42. Kennedy, C. H. (2007) Bureaucracy in Pakistan: Karachi: Oxford University Press, 14-33. Khan, T.A. 2007. Economy, Society and the State in Pakistan: Contemporary South Asia 9 (2): 181-195. Malik, I. H. (2007) State and Civil Society in Pakistan: Politics of Authority, Ideology, and Ethnicity. New York: St. Martin’s Press, 117-28. Mustafa, D. 2004. Pakistan and the September 11th Terrorist Attacks: Back from the Brink? In The Unfolding Legacy of 9/11, edited by J. Haft and M. O. Lombardi, 168-184. Lanham, Md.: University Press of America. Nasr, S. V. R. (2004) The Vanguard of the Islamic Revolution: The Jama’at-i-Islami of Pakistan. Berkeley: University of California Press, 95-99. Nizamani, H. K. 1998. Limits of Dissent: A Comparative Study of Dissident Voices in the Nuclear Discourse of Pakistan and India. Contemporary South Asia 7 (3): 317-337. Rana, M.A. 2004. A to Z of Jehadi Organizations in Pakistan. Translated by S. Ansari. Lahore: Mashal Books, 48-52. Whaites, A. (2005) The State and Civil Society in Pakistan. Contemporary South Asia 4 (4): 229-254. Zaman, M. Q. (2004) Sectarianism in Pakistan: The Radicalization of Shi’i and Sunni Identities. Modern Asian Studies 32 (3): 689-716.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

George and Lennie in “Of Men and Mice” Essay

George and Lennie are the two main characters in this book. They look after one another and stick together. I think that that itself is quite strange as they are both completely the opposite to each other. Lennie is very dependant on George and probably wouldn’t be able to survive without him; he certainly wouldn’t be able to get himself out of trouble. But George is much more Independent than Lennie. George is also quite bossy, like a parent but is responsible and practical too. He acts like a parent to Lennie sometimes: â€Å"Lennie! Lennie for Gods sake don’t drink so much.† He often tells Lennie what to do like this example. But he is forced to because of Lennie child like behaviour and sense. Lennie very much in his actions and words reflects the personality of a young child. This is sometimes quite admiring and amusing, â€Å"You drink some Lennie, take a good big drink† he smiled happily.† He is also described in a way that a child would be, by saying, â€Å"he smiled happily† Even though Lennie annoys George, George still cares for Lennie. An example of this is when George warns Lennie about drinking the water. This also reflects his intelligence. Which he definitely seems when he’s described with Lennie because Lennie really does lack intelligence. Lennie ignores the warning showing his shortage in common sense. We find out that George is slightly short tempered by two incidents. One is when he talks about the bus driver giving them the wrong information. â€Å"We could just as well of rode clear to the ranch of that bastard bus driver knew what he was talkin’ about† He’s quite rude in this statement and we can tell that he is angry. Because he is already angry about this he snaps at Lennie. He talks about how much better off he would have been if he didn’t have Lennie with him and in my opinion he saws some quite harsh things, â€Å"You crazy son of a bitch you keep me in hot water all the time.† He seems determined to hurt Lennie in this paragraph when he talks like this to him. Particularly during this part of the story, you’re forced to feel sympathy for Lennie and feel that George is the ‘bad guy’. But we also see Georges caring side again when he sees’s Lennies anguished face and he is ashamed of himself. I think George is a compassionate person though. Because he still cares for Lennie and sticks by him and helps him out of trouble by choice. Lennie is purposely portrayed in a child like manner. You can tell by his tone of voice, the things he says, the way he’s described and his actions. â€Å"Lennie who had been watching imitated George exactly† â€Å"Where we goin’, George† â€Å"Ain’t a thing in my pocket George, honest.† Lennnie imitates George quite a lot, he looks up to George and trusts him. He tries to obey George and attempts really hard to remember what George tells him. He asks questions like a child constantly. And he tries to act clever in a child like way. Lennie also has a child’s imagination too; He is also attracted to petting things because of his child like gentle nature. â€Å"Let’s have different coloured rabbits, George† he makes silly comments like this as well. George doesn’t really trust Lennie. Not because he’s not a good person but because he’s forgetful and makes silly mistakes which lead to big trouble. Lennies stupidity, need of understanding and strength causes him to unknowingly make these mistakes. We know that he’s forgetful because he doesn’t remember where he is going and has to repeat things over and over again to remind himself. We also know that George doesn’t trust him because he doesn’t let him keep his own workers ticket. Both people think of the dream in different ways, Lennie thinks about it in a very childish dreamy way, and as you’d expect, George thinks practically and really about it. And when he realises he’s being unrealistic he stops himself: â€Å"-Nuts† I think this shows that he doesn’t get his hopes up too high and that he is a down to earth person. George is a planner, he likes to be organised and know what’s happening. He plans and tells Lennie where to go if there’s trouble at the ranch. George and Lennie are very different people but they both benefit and appreciate the companionship that they share. â€Å"But not us! Because†¦because I got you to look after me, and you got me to look after you and that’s why†

Charles Lamb Declines an Invitation

In this letter, Charles Lamb declines an invitation Into Cumberland from the English Romantic Poet, William Wordsmith. Lamb uses multiple techniques to help him decline this Invite. For example, Lamb expresses to Wordsmith how much he loves London and the fact that he never wants to leave the attachments he had made there. He also explains that he is neither interested nor passionate to join Wordsmith and his sister on their Journey into Cumberland. Lamb also uses tone in his letter. Because readers can interpret tone differently, it is no stretch to say thatLamb demonstrates several tones in his letter. These tones can be discerned throughout the letter, providing a message that could be viewed In numerous ways. The tones he uses include irony and mocking himself. Although there are many people all over the world who wish for better things and arent fortunate like others, there are also many people that are extremely happy with their life and would not want it to be any other way. One of the few techniques and rhetorical strategies that Lamb used in his letter was expressing to Wordsmith that he loves London for many reasons.He loved It because of the loud noise and the hustling people. Lamb wants Wordsmith to understand that he doesnt want to leave London for a trip in peaceful Cumberland. Lamb proves to be in love with London and all its craziness and would not enjoy himself in a relaxing place like Cumberland. Lamb is used to crowded streets, sleepless nights and the big city of London. Charles Lamb informed Wordsmith of the many reasons why he was very satisfied with his life and the many local attachments that he had made to London. He explained to Wordsmith that he didnt want to leave all of that behind on his runner.Two of the most significant characteristics one should have are passion and interest. If one isnt passionate about something they shouldnt be involved. One does something because they feel Interested to do It and feel determined and happy about that decision. That Is an example of another rhetorical strategy and technique that Lamb used to make Wordsmith realize that he was not interested in joining him and his sister on the trip to Cumberland. Lamb explains to Wordsmith that he does not care for nature, and would prefer spending his time in the busy streets ofLondon. He had nothing inside of him telling him that he really wanted to accept the offer. Because Wordsmith assuming needed Lamb to be passionate about the Journey, It was a strong technique for Lamb to use. When declining the invitation into Cumberland. The tones used by Lamb are mocking humor and irony. Lamb mocks himself when explaining to Wordsmith the reasons why he loved London. All of the reasons would not sound appealing to anyone expect himself. He describes London as a dirty, loud and busy place, which would usually not attract most people.Most people would rather be in a relaxing and quiet place but Lamb preferred the busy lifestyle. This is using a mocking and humorous tone because he is insulting his choices as a person and realizes that it is bizarre to love such things. He also uses an ironic tone because he is stating the exact opposite to what Wordsmith is surely thinking. Wordsmith would assume that Lamb would love to Join him on such a Journey because it is what he loves to do. Wordsmith loves nature and exploring. However, Lamb expresses to him that he loves the exact opposite and would rather be in a place like London, than explore beautiful mountains and nature. In conclusion, Lamb used great techniques and tones to decline the invitation to Cumberland with Wordsmith. He expresses that he loves the London lifestyle and that he has no determination or interest in Joining in their Journey. He uses a humorous mocking tone and an ironic tone throughout the letter to help him explain to Wordsmith that he doesnt want to go to Cumberland. His use of tones and rhetorical techniques make Hornwort not get offended by Lambs response and also understand where he is coming from.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Research Type Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Research Type - Essay Example Grounded theory is based on symbolic interactionism; wherein behavior develops through mingling and association with others in a process composed of negotiation and renegotiation (Morse and Field, 1996). It opposes the notion of average behavior and static reaction to symbols. Phenomenology studies behavior in the context of the individual’s experience (Morse and Field, 1996). Compared with grounded theory, phenomenological research supposes that meanings and behaviors are more internally controlled rather than a result of outside influence. Both methods require the generation of huge amounts of data because of the individualistic (phenomenology) and interaction-based (grounded theory) approach that it takes and both are essential to Nursing research because a patient’s reaction to a health care practice is influenced by both internal and external factors. Managing and organizing qualitative data for analysis is needed so as to make a coherent and relevant research. One way of handling large volumes of data is by categorizing each paper or resource and coding them so as to make it easier to find a particular resource when needed. Qualitative research analysis software (i.e. Nvivo) can also be used to index and sort massive amounts of information for quicker access. The use of online data bases can also be harnessed because these data bases are already organized and streamlined so analysis will be more efficient. (Polit and Beck,

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Poor and Minorities in the Criminal Justice System Essay

Poor and Minorities in the Criminal Justice System - Essay Example 190). Observations and importance: For a considerably long time, in the US two different types of criminal justice systems are active. One is for the white and rich people and the other one is for the poor minority people. These were the findings of judges, attorneys, and law professors. They have found that there are inequalities, disparities, and injustices in the treatment of crimes according to races and social, political, and financial power. Different government criminal agencies, courts, and police are highly biased in respect to justice. Sometimes courts take only few minutes to finish the hearing of the case for the minority people, without even considering all the possible aspects and witnesses’ statements. Sometimes the hearing of a poor black person is attended by a white jury, who is naturally supposed to be highly biased against the black community (Cole, 1999, p. 190). All these affect negatively the large number of poor and minority people living in the country . But the most striking feature of the problem is that the law of the US does not allow court and police to be biased against any race and community. This has been rather a social tradition that has been going on and on for a long time. The problem is immensely serious in the sense that these decisions of invoking bias in the criminal justice systems are creating anger and passion for revenge and feelings of social discrimination among the poor and minor people living there. This is also violating the social peace in the country. Evidence shows that a black judge has announced punishment for a white without even completing the hearing, just because the judge has in mind the history of justice system regarding the bias for whites (Banks, 2004, p. 60). It is also shown that for the same crime a black gets more punishment compared to a white. Sometimes the racial discriminations become larger than the financial discriminations. There are also some evidences that reveal that discriminat ions are available in questions like who will be arrested and who will enter into the system, but not in the judgment of terms of sentencing. There are lots of informal sources of discriminations like police and local courts. In the presence of these informal sources it is evident that the African Americans are the most discriminated ethnic society living in the US. The dangerousness or the seriousness of the crime gets more importance for the blacks than for the whites (Bank, 2004, pp. 60-61). Discriminations are also shown in case of the jury selection (Bank, 2004, p. 62) and giving death penalty (Bank, 2004, p. 67). The massacre of 9/11 has created new disparities for the Muslims around the world, especially for the Asian Muslims. Even American people think that there are discriminations against poor and minorities (Greenhouse, 1999). Reasons: There are various reasons for discriminations in criminal justice systems in the US. Most of the reasons are completely social and convent ional and have least or no resemblance with the law or the rules and regulations of the system. For instance, the police may arrest a person completely based on the kind of respect the person shows to the police. A lower respect for the police increases the probability of getting